Growing in Prayer Devotional – a 100-day Journey
Every believer who sincerely desires an intimate relationship with God must discover the transformational power of prayer. This one-hundred-day devotional, inspired by Mike Bickle’s best-selling book Growing in Prayer, will give readers daily inspiration, knowledge, and guidance to help them cultivate deeper intimacy with God through prayer. Each day contains a quote on prayer from a classic Christian author, a passage from a chapter in Growing in Prayer for reflection, a Scripture verse or reference, a prayer starter, a suggestion for practical application of the principle being taught, and lines for journaling. This devotional will help energize a prayer life that has become routine, stale, or nonexistent and will be a welcome resource for believers who desire to grow in prayer.
Growing in Prayer: A Real-Life Guide to Talking to God
A practical, effective strategy for incorporating prayer into everyday life. Mike Bickle has devoted his life to understanding and practicing the principles and power of prayer. In Growing in Prayer he combines his biblical study with his extensive experience on the topic to give you the tools you need to develop a stronger prayer life through a passionate commitment to your relationship with God. Start today! God is waiting to hear from you. He doesn’t just love you, He really likes you and enjoys listening to you when you pray, even in your weaknesses. You can be confident that your prayers are valuable to God and will make a difference in your world.
7 Commitments for Spiritual Growth
7 Commitments for Spiritual Growth is a prophetic call to the Body of Christ to refuse to settle for anything less than a practical pursuit of God and His purposes for this generation. This book challenges us to live in wholehearted pursuit of Jesus as forerunners who operate in the power of the Holy Spirit today, as we spiritually prepare ourselves and others for the Lord’s return. Mike Bickle identifies seven foundational commitments to walk out this sacred charge in everyday life, with insights and practical steps on how to do this
Prayers to Strengthen Your Inner Man (Revised, 2013)
Mike Bickle teaches on the biblical necessity of praying for our own heart to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit’s power. Something as simple as developing a personal prayer list is a practical but essential tool that equips us to maintain consistency in our prayer life. In this book, Mike offers practical help by sharing the prayer lists that he has used for years. He offers three acronyms to use to help bring focus to our personal prayer times.
Book of Revelation Study Guide – Updated (2009)
This book is intended to be a simple but inspiring verse-by-verse guide to the book of Revelation. Mike’s straightforward approach brings the message to life and emphasizes its relevance for us today. With a glossary of terms and symbols, and in-depth articles, this verse-by-verse study guide makes the end times easy to understand. Discover why this will truly be the Church’s greatest hour.
The Rewards of Fasting (2005)
The grace of fasting is a gift from God that positions us to experience more of God’s power and affections. We fast to encounter God more and to change the world! Done in the right spirit, fasting increases our receptivity to God’s voice and His Word. Jesus called His disciples to fast in a way to encounter Him as the Bridegroom God (Mt. 9:15). This book explores the rewards and delights that come to those who fast, and is designed to equip believers to embrace the discipline, grace, and joy of fasting, that they might more fully encounter Jesus as their heavenly Bridegroom.
After God’s Own Heart (2004)
This book focuses on King David’s relationship with God as the model of how we can live a radical lifestyle filled with confidence before God, while acknowledging our profound weakness. Mike gives in-depth insight, with many practical examples of how to sustain a life of intimacy with God.
The Pleasures of Loving God (2000)
This book invites you on a most unique treasure hunt, a journey of discovery into intimacy with Jesus as our Bridegroom God. Our lives are dynamically changed when we understand that Jesus loves us, even likes us, and wants our friendship. Mike covers topics related to the forerunner ministry and the house of prayer. Laboring in ministry solely out of a sense of duty can lead to burnout. God never designed the human spirit to work first and love second. We were not designed to put love on the back burner. This book is an adventure in enjoying our relationship with Jesus. Yes, you can take a deep breath, rest, and be excited about the fact that God doesn’t see us the way many of us see ourselves. Your life will experience significant changes when you realize that you make God smile.
Growing in the Prophetic (1996; Updated 2008)
In this updated version, Mike adds new stories and principles gleaned from his many years of experience with the prophetic ministry. He combines thorough biblical balance with many personal experiences to equip believers to prophesy and to relate in a right way to others who prophesy. This book offers proven guidelines for the operation of prophecy in the lives of individuals and in the context of a local church family. For churches today who are struggling to find the proper place for the prophetic gifting in their congregations, this book will provide practical help.
Passion for Jesus (1993; Updated 2007)
This book calls us to encounter the passion of God’s personality which awakens passion for Jesus in us. Mike describes how we can walk confidently in God’s love for us even in the midst of our weaknesses.
God’s Answer to the Growing Crisis (2017)
Dramatic shifts over the last few years—from economic to political to moral and beyond—have set the stage for a crisis that is affecting every sphere of society. This crisis isn’t occurring only in the United States; in face, all of humanity is at a crossroads. Mike offers God’s definitive answer to this growing global crisis, providing a fresh biblical perspective on important topics such as: The agenda to secularize and de-Christianize America; The increasing influence of secular humanism; The rise of ISIS and Islamic extremists; The looming financial crisis.